When you see me in the Dramatic Play Center, I am:
- Expanding my oral language and social interaction skills
- Beginning to understand other people and learn about their needs and responsibilities
- Making decisions and solving problems
- Expressing my ideas with words
- Sorting and organizing things
- Learning about my world as I recreate real-life situations
When you see me in the Book and Listening Center, I am:
- Looking at books and learning how to take care of them
- Listening responsibly to stories and texts read aloud, including selections from classic and modern works
- Enjoying and appreciating different types of stories, poems, and other forms of literature
- Developing listening skills
- Learning how to be independent
- Gaining knowledge of my own culture and the culture of others
- Becoming aware of the rhyme and rhythm in stories
- Following oral directions
When you see me in the Literacy and Writing Center, I am:
- Becoming familiar with letters and sounds
- Organizing letters to form words
- Learning that my ideas have value
- Learning to communicate ideas in written form
- Becoming familiar with letter forms, words, phrases, and stories
- Reading and interpreting pictures
- Developing an interest in a variety of books and printed materials
- Learning the rhythm of stories
- Increasing my awareness of the enjoyment of books
When you see me in the Art Center, I am:
- Exercising my imagination and creativity
- Learning to take risks by experimenting with paint, crayons, clay, scissors, paper, glue, etc.
- Expressing my feelings and ideas
- Observing, planning, creating and completing a project
- Improving fine motor skills
- Learning about colors, textures, lines, and space
When you see me in the Science and Discovery Center, I am:
- Learning about the natural environment
- Developing problem-solving and questioning skills
- Practicing observational skills
- Comparing and measuring
- Problem-solving and working together
- Discussing, observing, and exploring my environment by working with plants
- Weighing and measuring
- Performing simple experiments
When you see me in the Math and Manipulatives Center, I am:
- Learning about numbers
- Learning about shapes (Geometry)
- Learning how to create patterns
- Analyzing data by sorting and graphing
- Measuring and weighing
When you see me in the Block Center, I am:
- Problem-solving and planning as I construct
- Developing fine and gross motor skills
- Learning to cooperate and accept the work of others
- Observing size relationships, classifying, and sorting
- Participating in creative and imaginative play
- Acquiring concepts of shape, size, length, and location—all relative to learning to read and doing mathematics
When you see me in Circle Time, I am:
- Developing my attention span
- Listening to others
- Developing my receptive and expressive language skills
- Learning how to count
- Learning how to observe weather patterns
- Learning to be cooperative
- Learning how to take turns